What You Should Update Before Selling Your Home

what you should update before selling your home

So, you’ve decided to sell your home. You look around through the eyes of a potential buyer, asking yourself, what do I need to update, fix, change, etc.?
Bathrooms and kitchens are common areas that sellers may choose to spend some money on remodeling so as to appeal to more buyers and ensure a higher selling price. As it turns out, one of the simplest things you can do before selling your home is to update your appliances!

Buyers LOVE knowing they are purchasing a home with brand new appliances. A washer and dryer set older than you can be a deal breaker for some people worried about when the appliances will kick the bucket. A new appliance gives the seller more bargaining power and helps ensure the home will sell closer to listed price.

Not only does the age of the appliance matter, when selling a home, but, the color does, too! Two words: stainless steel. All buyers want stainless steel appliances in today’s market. Stainless steel looks sharp, clean, elegant and expensive. Nothing like a look of luxury, even in a makeshift kitchen, to catch the eye of a potential buyers.

And for the buyers really up on the latest and greatest appliances, energy efficiency is key! Whether the buyer cares deeply about energy consumption or wants to avoid paying for new appliances within a few years of the home purchase, upgrading your home with the best, newest and sleekest stainless steel appliances can go a long way towards guaranteeing you sell your house for even more than you had imagined.

Sometimes it’s in the smaller details, such as updating home appliances,  that can make a huge difference in your home being “for sale” or “sold”!

For all your real estate needs, contact expert DFW realtor, Stacey Perry with Keller Williams Realty, today!

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