Christmas gifts for the first time homeowner


Buying a home is a huge milestone. And for your friends and family that have purchased their very first home this year, it is even more significant. Here’s a list of some of the top Christmas gifts for those new homeowners in your life:

  1. Hardware store gift card: Even when buying the most ‘move-in ready’ home, there will always be some projects inside the home or in the front/back yard that new homeowners will end up taking on in their first year of home ownership. Gift cards to the hardware store will always be a much appreciated gesture for new homeowners.


    See also: Tips for First-Time Homebuyers

  2. Christmas decor: A wreath for the new front door, home-themed Christmas ornaments, holiday place settings, etc. You can’t go wrong with giving holiday decor to help the homeowners deck out their new pad.


  3. House plants: Plants always freshen up and brighten a home. Plants are a wonderful way to decorate without spending too much money. Consider this for your loved ones that have a nurturing spirit. It’s the gift that keeps on giving!


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  4. Key holder: We all misplace our keys. It seems simple, but a key holder mounted to the wall is the perfect gift that the recipients will use and appreciate multiple times a day.


  5. Gardening tools: Most homeowners look forward to sprucing up their front/backyard; or, if it’s already in great condition, at least modifying it throughout the seasons. Gardening tools are a great addition to any homeowner’s supplies.


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  6. BBQ grill/ BBQ tools: It’s the perfect accessory for that beautiful new deck/patio space. If the grill is a bit more than you wanted to spend, considering buying a BBQ tool set. And most likely you’ll get to reap the rewards of delicious BBQ on many occasions.


For all your real estate needs, contact expert DFW realtor, Stacey Perry with Keller Williams Realty, today!

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